AATA with Steve Cooke celebrating the creative community and promoting Creativity to build individual and community wellbeing and resilience.
I am an experienced educator and creative arts columnist:
Curator of the ‘What’s on All Across the Arts with Steve Cooke’ column. Alongside the AATA family of writers writing articles, interviews, previews and reviews covering local to global creative artists of all genres A column published in print twice per week in the Rochdale Observer, Heywood Advertiser and Middleton Guardian and quarterly in Style Magazine Digitally on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Linkedin and www.allacrossthearts.com
CEO of SWCT, NHS CCG funded project that works with creative artists to develop resilience in young people to the challenges they face and may face in the future through engaging with their creativity.
A 30-year high school teaching career 1974-2005. Assistant Head teacher of a performing arts school responsible for achieving its specialist school status. Speaker at education conferences and training programmes. Member of government advisory groups. A level Sociology teacher with a MA in Education
A member of Foreign and Commonwealth Office Olympic Truce Stakeholders Group 2010-2012. Achieving 2012 Olympic Truce status for a Greater Manchester peace-related project registered on the International Olympic Committee Extranet.
Co-author of the bid that established Rochdale Legal Advice Partnership [RLAP] and chair of the RLAP Board.
A trustee of Link4Life, Vice Chair of Rochdale Law Centre and Chair of Can’t Dance Can, member of the Rochdale Refugees and Asylum-Seekers Multi-agency Forum and Rochdale in Rainbows Steering Group.
A Justice of the Peace for Greater Manchester sitting 2007- 2018.
Curator of the Rochdale Literature and Ideas Festival Fringe Writers’ Showcase.
All Across the Arts [AATA] endeavours to contribute to strengthening individual and community resilience to life’s challenges through engagement with the arts. Challenges that are being heightened by the current pandemic, especially through such as self-isolation and social distancing. We believe that the arts can be a vital positive contributor to improving mental health.